Four Gdynia Film School Productions to Premiere in the Short Films Competition of the 49th Gdynia Film Festival

Aleksandra Szczepaniak’s “Attraction”, Kamil Czudej’s “Nothing Serious”, Yulia Yukhymets’ “In Heaven and on Earth”, and Piotr Pluta’s “Such a Perfect Day” will have their premiere presentation in the Short Film Competition of this year’s 49th edition of the prestigious Gdynia Film Festival to take place between September 23rd-28th. “Attraction”, “Nothing Serious”, and “Such a Perfect Day” will be shown as the world premiere, while “In Heaven and on Earth” – as the Polish premiere.

Four Gdynia Film School Productions to Premiere in the Short Films Competition of the 49th Gdynia Film Festival

“Attraction” by Aleksandra Szczepaniak features a few, sunny, vacation days of the adolescent siblings.

“Nothing Serious” by Kamil Czudej observes how not-that-great a party, accidentally turns into something that might change the character’s life.

“Such a Perfect Day” by Piotr Pluta shows far reaching psychological and social consequences of a hazard addiction.

While ”In Heaven and on Earth” by Yulia Yukhymets that has been already internationally shown and awarded with the Best Film Prize at the Cine Nova FF in Lisbon and recently with the Best B&W Film in the Bratislava International Film Awards, is an experimental short featuring 11-year-old Tosia and her 6-year-old brother Kajtek trying to cope with the family’s tragedy.

The 49th Gdynia Film Festival will present 29 Polish titles in its Short Films Competition.


More information on the festival:


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  • Five GSF recent films will take part in various competitive sections of the forthcoming Seoul International Short Film Festival 2024: Mikołaj Janik’s “The Mandala”, Yulia Yukhymets‘ ”In Heaven and on Earth”, Diana Szczotka’s “Transgression” and “Haven”, and Lulu Pomorova’s “Everything for My Friend”. The festival’s presentations will take place between October 20th – 30th.

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