Gdynia Film School undertakes to ensure the availability of the website in accordance with the Act of April 4, 2019 on digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities. The accessibility statement applies to

Date of website publication: 02/01/2018
Date of the last major update: 08/02/2021

The website complies with the Act on digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities. The declaration was made on March 31, 2020. The declaration was made on the basis of a self-assessment carried out by the public entity.

In case of problems with the digital accessibility of the website for people with disabilities, please contact us.

Maciej Marcinkowski tel. 782 049 320

  • “The Mandala” Awarded at the Roma Short Film Fest in Rome

  • Mikołaj Janik’s “The Mandala” has been awarded with the Best Horror Prize of the Roma Short Film Fest in Rome, which ended on December 7th. The festival presented “The Mandala” among the several international competition films, produced among others in Canada, China, Ireland, Italy, South Korea, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and the US.

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