Elżbieta Benkowska

Elżbieta Benkowska

Interested in the cinema since she got to know that Roman Polański’s
birthday is on the same days as hers. Started shooting films on her 18th
birthday when she got the first camera.

Graduate of XV Secondary School – bilingual section with Spanish
language, currently a student of 3rd year of Slavic studies at
University of Gdańsk.

Speaks English, Spanish, Serbian and Croatian
fluently, Slovenian on intermediate level, knows basics of
Latin, Koine Greek and Old Church Slavonic.


2010: Hokeistka 7
2009: Sąsiadka
2008: Prosto film

Hokeistka 7
Prosto film
Blog about Gdańsk-Orunia

  • “The Mandala” Awarded at the Roma Short Film Fest in Rome

  • Mikołaj Janik’s “The Mandala” has been awarded with the Best Horror Prize of the Roma Short Film Fest in Rome, which ended on December 7th. The festival presented “The Mandala” among the several international competition films, produced among others in Canada, China, Ireland, Italy, South Korea, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and the US.

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