First League of film

12 participants of the 8 Pomeranian Film Workshops have completed the screenplay session with Grzegorz Łoszewski. We already know that they will produce the film in accordance with the idea of Katarzyna Cyran de Hernandez with working title ‘Józek idzie do nieba’ (‘Józek goes to heaven’).

First League of film

Another session – directing – will be led by Robert Gliński.Participants will take part in a closed casting for the film in which the actors for main roles will be selected.

We look forward to this film, especially that the group working in the production process is extremely dynamic and… diverse. In topography: the participants come from suchplaces as Olsztyn, Warsaw, Cracow or Bialystok. In profession: they are managers, students of Łódź Film School, journalists and people with impressive artistic achievements.

The results of the past edition of the workshop are visible not only in the quality of films which were created but also in very uplifting (and obliging) evaluations of lecturers and participants.

Robert Gliński – director
‘Workshop participants write their own screenplay of a short feature film. Then they prepare a storyboard which is based on depicting individual scenes into film shots. They organise casting to find the cast. They are looking for locations and interiors. Then they shoot the film. They work with an actor, cinematographer. They do the staging. After shooting, they edit the film, which was recorded in various variants and offers many options of editing. They do sound effects on professional computers. The extensive programme of the workshops is carried out by the participants efficiently and quickly. They are full of enthusiasm and involvement. It’s a real pleasure to work with such youth. Young people appreciate the uniqueness of the situation. They can make a film. The workshops in Pomerania are unique and the youth appreciates it. They know that it is an exceptional undertaking in the whole country.’

Grzegorz Łoszewski – screenplay
‘I have been with Pomeranian Film Workshops from the beginning. I think that during these few years the workshops have become not only stronger but also extraordinary in our country.When asked about the meaning of these workshops I always paraphrase the words of Andrzej Wajda. Perhaps these young people will not grow to be great directors, cinematographers, scriptwriters, etc. (although several people already study in film schools), but perhaps someone will become the Minister of Culture.’

Milenia Fiedler – editing
‘What I appreciate most in the Pomeranian Film Workshops is their effectiveness. The aim of the workshops is to allow young people interested in film to acquire knowledge, practical skills and experience which will enable them to develop further as filmmakers. At the workshops they have an opportunity to confront their own, sometimes naive, and vague idea of how to create a film in a professional way.’

Filip Borowik [6 PWF]
‘Great time, great atmosphere, a unique opportunity (unfortunately) to really learn a lot. I personally benefited a lot from the workshops.(…) There is no better way to learn than just to dosomething and receive fair and constructive criticism from the teachers.’

Anna Posłuszna [7 PWF]
‘Very good organization, many great ideas, all their promises were fulfilled. I was really surprised, after so many years of educational experience, that we were treated very seriously from the very first classes. ‘

Michał Brancewicz [6 PWF]
‘In terms of education and organization it is the first league. Another advantage is that northern Poland does not have a film school and similar workshops throughout the country are very rare.’

  • “Nothing Serious” in Competition of the 28th Zoom Int’l Film Festival

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