A scorching holiday in a countryside puts a close relationship of teenage siblings into a test. Charmed by her younger brother Ania, makes an effort to fight for his feelings.written and directed by Aleksandra Klukowska
cinematopgraphy: Zuzanna Kernbach
editing: Julia Oleksy
production design: Katarzyna Balicka
costumes: Barbara Tuszyńska
make-up: Barbara Tuszyńska
casting: Aleksandra Klukowska
cast: Oliwia Hołozubiec (Ania), Borys Wiciński (Karol), Aleksandra Justa (Mother), Konrad Kąkol (Piotrek)
producer: Leszek Kopeć, Jerzy Rados
produced by: Gdynia Film School
Plac Grunwaldzki 2
81-372 Gdynia, Polska
tel: +48 22 58 712 2277