Tomczak about Walczak
Artur Tomczak, a graduate of the 1stPomeranian Film Workshops, is finishing work on his third film. ‘Revenge of Dr. La Morte’ continues the adventures of Engineer Walczak, the superhero.

‘Revenge of Dr. La Morte’ will introduce a genius-madman, Dr. La Morte, who sincerely hates Poland and wishes to launch it into space. The Doctor considers Poland to be redundant on the map of the contemporary world.The reason for this aversion is lack of great achievements of Poles in whichever field of art or science.The opponent of Dr. La Morte is Engineer Walczak – a great patriot. Dr. La Morte, fearing the steadfast Engineer who can thwart his plans, resorts to various tricks.Disguised as Walczak, he spoils the academic year inauguration ceremony at Technical University of Gdansk.He also interrupts the screening of ‘Bolek and Lolek adventures’ organized for school children.In the end, he even intends to kidnap James Brown on his concert in Poland.The Doctor sabotages each step of the Engineer, he is his shadow and nightmare.In the end the unique flair and intelligence of the main character win with the doctor’s madness.