Luiza Budejko’s “Resurrection” by will be presented in the Off Fiction Film competition of the forthcoming 15th Solanin Film...
“Tacking” by Jakub Laskowski and “Everything for My Friend” by Lulu Pomorova will be presented in the Blue Herring...
“Resurrection” by Luiza Budejko will be a part of the programme of the approaching 50th edition of the Ińsk...
Paweł Wyszomirski’s ”House of Sand” will be presented in competition of the forthcoming international festival of ecological films –...
Diana Zamojska’s “Sabina” will be presented in a framework of the short films competition of the forthcoming 17th Two...
Two diploma films produced by the Gdynia Film School have been selected for the short film competition of the...
“Resurrection” by Luiza Budejko will be presented in international competition of the forthcoming 25th edition of one the biggest...