Luiza Budejko’s “Resurrection” will be presented in the Short Film Competition of the Jaffna International Cinema Festival to take...
Diana Zamojska’s “Sabina” received Best Short Fiction Debut Film Prize and Luiza Budejko’s “Resurrection” has been awarded with the...
Diana Zamojska’s “Sabina” and Luiza Budejko’s “Resurrection” have been nominated in competition of the Kautik IFF in India to...
“Resurrection” has been awarded with the Best Film – Golden Cracknel Prize and the Audience Prize at the Nano...
Luiza Budejko’s “Resurrection”, after its recent presentations at the Gdynia FF and Mexico Shorts FF, has been just awarded...
Luiza Budejko’s “Resurrection” will be presented in the competition of the forthcoming edition of the Hummingbird International Film...
Luiza Budejko’s “Resurrection” and Aneta Bussold’s “Summer 43” will be presented in the competition of the forthcoming 9th edition...