Diana Szczotka’s “Transgression” and Wojciech Pokorski’s “Saudade” will compete in the forthcoming Barcelona Indie Filmmakers Film Festival that commences...
Kamil Czudej’s “Nothing Serious” received the Jury Mention and the Interia Prize “Discovery of the Festival”, and Aleksandra Szczepaniak’s...
Mikołaj Janik’s “Mom Is Going Back” will take part in competition of the forthcoming Carpathian Mountain International Film Festival...
Co-produced by the Pomeranian Film Foundation, “The Green Ink” by Paweł Wyszomirski has been awarded with the Gold Award...
Mikołaj Janik’s “Mom Is Going Back” will take part in competition of the forthcoming Carpathian Mountain International Film Festival...
Three GSF’s films: “The Mandala” by Mikołaj Janik, “Saudade” by Wojciech Pokorski, and “Transgression” by Diana Szczotka will take...