Jakub Laskowski’s documentary debut “Aphasia” has been shortlisted for the Golden Kapok Award of the forthcoming Guangzhou IDFF. The...
“Anastasia’s Diary” by Maxim Bujnicki got Special Jury Mention at the Northern Lights International Film Festival. Jury stated –...
Jakub Laskowski’s “Tacking,” Maxim Bujnicki’s “Anastasia’s Diary,” and Marcin Zydek’s “We Need to Focus” will be presented in various...
“Resurrection” by Luiza Budejko has been awarded with the Best Student Film Prize in the Aldina Competition of the...
Lulu Pomorova’s “Everything for My Friend” will take part in the Short Films Competition of the forthcoming 32nd edition...
“Resurrection” by Luiza Budejko will be a part of the Short Films Program of the forthcoming Toronto Polish Film...
“Jaffa Cakes” by Bartek Izdebski and “Resurrection” by Luiza Budejko will be presented in the Aldina Competition of the...
“Anastasia’s Diary” by Maxim Bujnicki will be presented in the Belarusian Films Competition of the forthcoming 9th edition of...
Eliza Rycembel – actress in a leading role of the GFS’s film “Don’t Talk to Me Like That” directed...