Gdynia Film School’s Films at the Short Film Market accompanying the 46th Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival

Six Gdynia Film School’s short films will be shown in a framework of the forthcoming Clermont-Ferrand ISFF Short Film Market to take place between Feb. 2nd-10th. Jakub Laskowski’s “Tacking” and “Aphasia”, Lulu Pomorova’s “Everything for My Friend”, Yulia Yukhymets’ “In Heaven and on Earth”, Mikołaj Janik’s “The Mandala”, and Wojciech Pokorski’s “Saudade” will be available for previewing in the Short Film Market’s video library for over 3000 participants from around the world.

Gdynia Film School’s Films at the Short Film Market accompanying the 46th Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival

Recipient of the Jury Special Mention at the 30th Blue Sea IFF in Finland, currently nominated for the Best Film and Best Director Prize at the Madrid Indie Fest, the “Tacking” – a diploma film by Jakub Laskowski – is a surrealist account of a psychological process of coming to terms with the death of a father.

Awarded with the prestigious Golden Kapok Prize at the Gaungzhou IDFF 2023, the ”Aphasia” features an intimate documentary portrait of Mr. Zdzisław, who talks about his life and how it changed under the influence of the aphasia.

Presented earlier at prestigious festivals, like the New Directors, New Films FF, or the Mexico Shorts FF among others, ”Everything for My Friend” follows a friendship of two women at a crucial point of transition between artistic school and professional life. The two friends face a choice whether to support or compete against each other.

Currently shown at the Kolkata Int. Children FF, ”In Heaven and on Earth” is a b&w, experimental short featuring 11-year-old Tosia and her 6-year-old brother Kajtek trying to cope with the family’s tragedy.

Two last titles have in Clermont-Ferrand their market premiere: “The Mandala” by Mikołaj Janik in a thriller convention tells a story of a mother and son struggling with a loss, while “Saudade” by Wojciech Pokorski in a sensitive and detailed way captures psychology of a child in confrontation with grave illness.


More information about the market:

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