Mikołaj Janik’s “The Mandala” has been awarded with the Best Horror Prize of the Roma Short Film Fest in...
Yulia Yukhymets‘ ”In Heaven and on Earth” received the Main Award in the Youth Competition of the 18th ZubrOFFka...
Yulia Yukhymets‘ ”In Heaven and on Earth” will be a part of the Youth Competition of the 18th ZubrOFFka...
Yulia Yukhymets‘ ”In Heaven and on Earth” will be presented in the International Competition of the forthcoming 42nd Festival...
Mikołaj Janik’s “Mom Is Going Back” will take part in the competition of the 12th Barcelona Independent Disability Film...
“Saudade” by Wojciech Pokorski will be a part of the Short Film program of the approaching Lublin Film Festival...
“Saudade” by Wojciech Pokorski has been Nominated for the Grand OFF Prize in the Best Polish Film category. The...