Yulia Yukhymets ‘ ”In Heaven and on Earth” will be presented in the competition of the forthcoming Interuniversity Film...
Six Gdynia Film School’s short films will be shown in a framework of the forthcoming Clermont-Ferrand ISFF Short Film...
“Resurrection” by Luiza Budejko got the Best Short Fiction Film Prize, and “Summer 43” by Aneta Bussold – the...
Six GSF’s films: Lulu Pomorova’s “Everything for My Friend”, Jakub Laskowski’s “Tacking,” Luiza Budejko’s “Resurrection”, Diana Zamojska’s “Sabina”, Aneta...
Jakub Laskowski’s documentary debut “Aphasia” has been awarded with the Golden Kapok Prize for the Best Micro Documentary at...
Maxim Bujnicki’s “Anastasia’s Diary” received the Best Documentary Film Prize, and Marcin Zydek’s “We Need to Focus” got the...
Maria Dudaref – actress in a leading role in the “Resurrection” by Luiza Budejko – has been awarded with...